A hungry wolf approached a flock of many grazing sheep
He got up closer to them with a very stealthy creep
They really looked delicious as he thought that they would be
Saying softly to himself “I'm gonna get some just for me”
A sheepskin fleece lay on the ground, he quickly put it on
So he'd look like a sheep and then the feeding flock he'd con
He sneaked amid the grazers and selected two or three
As he whispered to himself “I'm gonna get some just for me”
A shepherd came in sight and so the wolfy hunkered down
To blend in with the sheep so he would likely not be found
Then darkness fell and then he thought a perfect time there'll be
When I sneak right through the flock and simply “get some just for me”
The shepherd too was hungry with the coming of the night
And thought a roast of lamb upon the fire would be just right
He looked about the flock to find the one to suit his taste
He always chose real carefully, he never chose in haste
A large sheep he could see abiding well within the flock
He seemed to be asleep way back beside a great big rock
The shepherd crept down to the rock and drew his special knife
And leapt upon the moving fleece to take the big sheep's life
He sliced into the wooly sheep and then in stark surprise
Pulled back the fleece to see a vicious wolf in sheep disguise
His knife was true, the wolf lay dead, the flock of sheep was free
It didn't pay him well to try to “get some just for me”